Christie Digital Projector Repair
We are a service center for Christie Projectors. Conveniently located on the West Coast, we are considerably more affordable than the manufacturer’s service. Christie projectors share a common design with Eiki and Sanyo, and as an Eiki and Sanyo Authorized Service Center, we have access to all Christie Projector Parts, even those that are older or difficult to find.
Common Issues with Christie Projector Repair | Call Us for an Estimate (323)887-0777
Discolored Projector Image
Projector image discoloration is one of the most common issues, and is not resolved by replacing your projector lamp. If your projector shows a yellow, red, purple, or blue tint along all or part of your image, it needs to be professionally serviced. A discolored image means that there is an issue with the color wheel (DLP projectors) or polarizing plates (LCD projectors). If caught early on LCD projectors, this repair only requires cleaning, labor, and recallibration of the color module. If you wait too long, this repair involves replacement of the polarizing plates or prism assembly which can be quite expensive.
Dust, Specks, and Dark Spots on Projector Image
Projectors require cleaning and maintenance. Failure to do so on an annual or semi-annual basis can lead to dust within the optical section which will show up as dots or specks on your projector image. If the dots are a tinted color or hue, this means that the dust has settled on the color module, which means that the polarizing plates need to be cleaned (lcd projector) or the color wheel needs to be cleaned (dlp projector). Less commonly, this could also be a result of a damaged dlp chip (from being dropped or otherwise), or a damaged section in the prism assembly or optical block.
Projector Won’t Power On & Other Projector Power Issues
If your projector unexpectedly shuts off or won’t power on, there may be an issue with the power supply, ballast, software, or cooling system. In some cases, there may be damage to the internal circuit boards. This repair will involve pinpointing the cause of the problem, along with a thorough cleaning of hard to reach cooling channels. This is not a user serviceable repair.
Projector Has Blinking Light
A constantly blinking green or red status light may indicate one of a few system messages. Depending on the make and model of the projector, a blinking status light may mean it’s time to replace the lamp, the projector is over-heating, or needs to be cleaned. If the status light is accompanied by a power-on issues, then this may be indicative of more significant issues such as main board failure, ballast failure, or needs replacement fans.
Part of Projector Image is Black or Missing
If you have a DLP projector, a broken DLP chip is the likely cause and will require a replacement. On all projectors, this could be the result of damage to the prism assembly or optical block.
Projector Image is Dull or Dim
The likely culprit of a dim projector is the bulb. High bulb hours will require a replacement of the bulbs in the unit. While replacing the lamp can be done by the end user, it is important to realize that the lamp is usually one of the last things that needs to be replaced. We recommend replacing bulbs after 3000 hours of use on some of the larger Christie projectors. Often times, we receive calls from customers who have spent a few hundred dollars replacing their lamps, only to find that the lamp was not the cause of their discoloration, power on issues, or blinking status lights.
Quality lamps can be quite expensive and we recommend only replacing the lamps when needed. Just because a website claims that they sell ‘OEM lamps’ does not mean that those lamps are original quality. These OEM lamps have been known to cause power fluctuations, leading to power supply failure, ballast failure, or even main board failure.
No Inputs Recognized by Projector
The issue could be either software or hardware. Try switching to a different input, for example, use your laptop to plug into the VGA or HDMI port you previously were not using. Make sure that your projector is on the right display mode. Sometimes, broken remotes or broken buttons on the projector will prevent you from switching to the correct input, so test these too. If you have confirmed that the projector’s hardware or software is the cause of your input issue, it is likely that the interface board may need replacement.
Cracked Projector Lens Assembly or Projector Housing
Mishandled projectors that have been dropped may need work to replace physical features of the projector, including replacement of any mounting brackets for lenses, or the lenses themselves. Lenses are not repaired, but they are rather replaced.
Preventative Maintenance for your Projector
Preventative Maintenance will increase the lifetime of your expensive projector, and we recommend this for projectors that cost more than $1500 new. For schools and businesses using projectors, especially high brightness projectors, a good Preventative Maintenance schedule calls for a cleaning and re-calibration once a year. Churches and low hour users can usually get away with a semi-annual cleaning.
We repair these Christie Projectors:
- Boxer 4K30
- D12HD-H Black
- D12HD-H White
- D12WU-H Black
- D12WU-H White
- DHD851-Q Black
- DHD851-Q White
- DWU851-Q Black
- DWU851-Q White
- DWX851-Q Black
- DWX851-Q White
- Roadie 4K25
- Roadie 4K35
- DWX600-G
- DHD555-GS
- DWU555-GS
- DWX555-GS
- LX1750
- DHD600-G
- DWU600-G
- DHD951-Q
- DWU951-Q
- DWX951-Q
- DWX951-Q White
- DXG1051-Q
- DXG1051-Q White
- Mirage WQ-L
- LW720
- D4K2560
- D4K3560
- DHD550-G
- DWU550-G
- DWU775-E
- CP2210
- CP2230
- DHD675-E Dual Lamp
- DHD775-E
- DWU675-E Dual Lamp
- D4K25 CDXL-20
- D4K25 CDXL-30
- D4K25 CDXL-30SD
- D4K35 CDXL-20
- D4K35 CDXL-30
- D4K35 CDXL-45
- D4K35 CDXL-60
- LW401
- LW41
- LW551i
- LWU421
- LWU501i
- LX41
- LX501
- LX601i
- LX1200
- Mirage DS+8K-J
- Mirage HD14K-J
- Mirage HD16K-J
- Mirage HD20K-J
- Mirage S+14K-J
- Mirage S+18K-J
- Mirage S+22K-J
- Mirage WU14K-J
- Mirage WU20K-J
- LHD700
- Mirage HD7K-J
- Mirage WU7K-J
- DS+10K-J
- DS+8K-J
- HD7K-J
- HD9K-J
- Roadster HD14K-J
- Roadster HD16K-J
- Roadster HD20K-J
- Roadster S+14K-J
- Roadster S+18K-J
- Roadster S+22K-J
- Roadster WU20K-J
- L2K1000
- L2K1500
- LWU505
- DLV1400-DL
- DLV1920-DL
- DHD670-E
- DWU670-E
- DHD800
- Mirage WU12K-M
- Mirage WU7K-M
- LW555
- LWU420
- LX505
- LX605
- Matrix WU12
- Matrix WU2
- Matrix WU5
- Mirage WU12
- Mirage WU18
- Mirage WU3
- Mirage WU7
- Roadie HD+35K
- Roadster WU12K-M
- WU12K-M
- WU7K-M
- WX10K-M
- WX7K-M
- DHD700
- DS+750
- Mirage S+3K
- LW650
- LX400
- LX1000
- LX700
- DS+405
- DS+10K-M
- DS+6K-M
- HD10K-M
- HD6K-M
- Roadster HD10K-M
- Roadster S+10K-M
- DS+655
- LW400
- HD3K
- LW600
- DS+305
- DS+305W
- LX900
- LX500
- Mirage HD3
- Mirage HD6
- Mirage HD8
- Mirage HD12
- Mirage HD18
- HD405
- LX1500
- Roadster HD12K
- Roadster HD18K
- LX650
- DS+6K
- DW4Kc
- DW5K
- DW8K
- Matrix HD2
- Matrix HD4
- Matrix HD7
- Roadie HD+30K
- DS+300
- DS+300W
- DS+650
- HD6K
- HD7Kc
- LW300
- LX380
- LX380L
- LX450
- HD5K
- HD5Kc
- HD8K
- HD8Kc
- DS+65
- LX55
- LX66A
- DS+26
- LX120
- Roadster S+20K
- DW3Kc
- DW6Kc
- LX34
- LX40
- DW30
- DS+5K
- LX50
- DLV1400-DX
- DS+4K
- DS+60
- DS+8K
- DW3K
- DW6K
- LX25a
- Matrix 2000
- Matrix 3000
- Matrix 4000
- Mirage S+14K
- Mirage S+2K
- Mirage S+4K
- Mirage S+8K
- Roadster S+12K
- Roadster S+16K
- LX66
- LS+58
- LU77
- DS+25
- DS+25W
- Roadie 25K
- LX37
- LW25U
- RoadRunner LX100
- LW40U
- LX25
- LX45
- RoadRunner LX65
- DS30
- DLV1280-DX
- LX32
- DLV1920-DX
- DS+14K-M
- DS30W
- HD14K-M
- HD2Kc
- LX25U
- Matrix S+2K
- Matrix S+5K
- Mirage 10000
- Mirage 2000
- Mirage 4000
- Mirage 5000
- Mirage 6000
- Mirage DS+10K-M
- Mirage DS+14K-M
- Mirage DS+6K-M
- Mirage HD10K-M
- Mirage HD14K-M
- Mirage HD6K-M
- Mirage S+12K
- Mirage S+16K
- Mirage S+20K
- Mirage S+6K
- Mirage WU-L
- Mirage WU14K-M
- MirageSIM
- Montage LX33
- Roadie S12
- Roadie X10
- RoadRunner L6
- RoadRunner L8
- Roadster HD14K-M
- Roadster S+14K-M
- Roadster S4
- Roadster S6
- Roadster S9
- Roadster WU14K-M
- Roadster X4
- Roadster X6
- Roadster X9
- Vista S3
- Vista S5
- Vista X3
- Vista X5
- Vivid Blue
- Vivid Green
- Vivid Lite
- Vivid LX20
- Vivid LX26
- Vivid LX33
- Vivid LX35
- Vivid LX41
- Vivid Red
- Vivid White
- WU14K-M